
Posted by: Kenoshi

Apr 7, 2014

When you love her....

Recent Comments for Likin'board (18)
  • So sexy undies! Nice looking ass and big tits!
  • Think "gayguy oldqueer" suffers from "never had a woman, never will have a woman, never wanted a woman"-itis? Like I keep telling you, clod, stop abusing women and get your like-minded dimwits to do likewise, and I'll have no reason to direct insults your way. You can't defend what you do . . . but I CAN defend what I do in response to your actions.
  • Again, "QUEER Hornet," I have the life and wife you WISH you had. Whereas I went off and got a college education and developed the professional and personal skills to achieve success, you were still out there failing not only at school but at life. Your constant use of your one-word insult is actually quite funny, as it shows your level of desperation. LOL
  • we did!:)
  • srchief... you are talking to a brick wall trying to get any sense over to the EUNUCH aka danny in the hamburger... you should save your breath.....
  • daninhbg, if you could comprehend what I said you would understand that I am not taking their side. I said you are being a pain in the ass. As for you, Gussers, Greenhornet (who had to change his name) and the others like them, I am sure you don't care what I say and is why I seldom address any of you. I've been here over 10 years and you types come and go, sometimes by being cleared out by the moderators. I am sure you noticed that the board has been cleaned up from the bigots and the more obnoxious. More work to be done, obviously. Have your fun while you still can.
  • WOW talk about an HOURGLASS figure! How I love that look... wish you guys would post MORE .... SOON? thanks
  • daninhbg, you have become as big a pain in the ass as the haters that get too rude. I flag everyone doing a back and forth with you and that includes you. You asked to be abused. The posters don't (with rare exception).
  • Please m are free to give their opinion an i supose they are defined by ...if they are rude they cant apreciate your opinion and share your respect for all the people that enjoywhat we are doin here
  • Please just stop politely good or stop
  • More, More, More !!!!!!
  • I thought this post was going to improve things for today but not danny the hamburger aka king moron likes her it is bad..... no defense from hamburger is double bad.....
  • Thanks. I'm rather fond of her. :o)
  • I cant comment your contri daninhbg but i think everybody could dream with seriously:)
  • Very kind i thought so... kisses for you ...made me feel like posting see your contri and comment ;)


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